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service hotline:0598-8863760
Current position:Home > Personnel recruitment
Our Location:
Address:the Sands Park of the High-tech Industrial Development Zone,Sanming City, Fujian Province (ShaXian) , China  
Tel:13850829952 0598-8863760 8863758  
Contact:Mr. Yangqi Zhao   

Personnel recruitment

Personnel recruitment  

Address:the Sands Park of the High-tech Industrial Development Zone,
Sanming City, Fujian Province (ShaXian) , China  
Post Code:365500  Web:www.cmfb.com.cn  Contact:Mr. Yangqi Zhao 
Tel:13850829952 0598-8863760 8863758  
E-mail:zhaoyanqi62@sina.com   COPYRIGHT©1997-2014 ALL RIHGTS RESERVED