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service hotline:0598-8863760
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Our Location:
Address:the Sands Park of the High-tech Industrial Development Zone,Sanming City, Fujian Province (ShaXian) , China  
Tel:13850829952 0598-8863760 8863758  
Contact:Mr. Yangqi Zhao   


Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Technology
Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry
China Certification Center for Automotive Products 
Advanced Manufacture Technology Center of CAM
Harbin Welding Institute
Wuhan Research Institute of Materials Protection
China Productivity Center for Machinery 
Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Branch of CAM
Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry
First Design and Research Institute, MI China
Proving Ground for Construction Machinery & Refit Military Vehicles
Zhejiang Branch of CAM
Haixi Branch of CAM

Address:the Sands Park of the High-tech Industrial Development Zone,
Sanming City, Fujian Province (ShaXian) , China  
Post Code:365500  Web:www.cmfb.com.cn  Contact:Mr. Yangqi Zhao 
Tel:13850829952 0598-8863760 8863758  
E-mail:zhaoyanqi62@sina.com   COPYRIGHT©1997-2014 ALL RIHGTS RESERVED